The Story of a friend

By: °¤°NëkÖ°¤°

You help me when

Things go wrong.

You sing to me my

Favorite song.

Every day you would

Look out for me,

And other people would

Just let me be.

You buy me things

That make me excited,

And talk to me

In ways delighted.

You tried to comfort me

When I was mad,

And when you couldn't

It made you sad.

When you come home,

You bring me surprises,

In all different

Shapes and sizes.

You told me things that

I never thought could be,

And made me open

My eyes and see.

You loved me when

I wasn't sure I loved you,

You stuck to me like

A glob of glue.

You thought about

Me every day,

And took me on vacation

By the bay.

You and me,

Together as one,

You and me

Always having fun.

Like a needle in a haystack,

True friends are hard to find.

That's why I'm so thankful that I can call you mine.

Whenever I need a shoulder you're there to catch my tears.

You've kept my many secrets,

Throughout the past four years.

You've been there through my afflictions,

You've witnessed my defeats.

I'll remember all the good times,

And pray the bad ones don't repeat.

With you my heart is honest,

But there's one thing I never told you.

Thank you for everything you've done

There's no one else like you.

No one that could ever be a

True "best" friend like you!